
Stories Dog


Boris is a 16/17 year old Pitbull/ Boxer mix who came to us three years ago. After years of nutritional neglect and having been tied up outside with barbed wire, Boris was not very mobile and was suffering from both testicular and prostate cancer. We took him in as a hospice case thinking his life expectancy was just going to be about three months. We built him up using good food, love, care and friends and his decline was mostly halted in its tracks.

At the time we discovered System Saver, five months ago, Boris was having difficulties getting up to walk and when he was mobile, his right rear leg wouldn’t work. He has always been of a happy disposition, no matter what pain he is going through, but since adding System Saver, we have noticed a hugely increased quality of life. He is more cheerful, more zesty, and his mobility is far better. With these oldies, even a ten percent difference in their condition is huge; System Saver has made at least a 25 percent improvement. I would definitely say that this product has enabled Boris to get more out of every day, provided him with an increased vitality and has been the reason behind 50 plus volunteers continually asking me ‘What the heck do you put in that boy’s water? He is doing incredible these days!

– Frankie & Andy’s Place, GA
